Crafting a preaching outline for Exodus Chapter Six is an endeavor that aims to present the profound elements found in the narrative where God interacts with Moses to deliver a message of hope and assurance to the Israelites in Egypt. This chapter serves as a significant milestone within the Book of Exodus as it highlights the repeated affirmations of God’s promises amidst oppressive circumstances.
As preachers or students of the Bible, approaching this chapter entails a deep understanding of the interaction between the divine and the human realms, particularly how Moses and Aaron carry the weight of their divine commission.
Related: For more, check out our Preaching Outline On Genesis Chapter Twenty Seven here.

Within Exodus Chapter Six, we see a vivid depiction of the divine nature of God as He reveals His mighty name and pledges deliverance for His people from the land of Egypt.
The passage provides fertile ground for exploring the themes of identity, faithfulness, and power. It encourages a reflection on God’s unwavering commitment to His promises and the forthcoming liberation of the Israelites. Moreover, it sets the stage for the signs and wonders that would mark the journey towards the Promised Land.
An effective preaching outline for Exodus 6 will navigate through these pivotal themes, offering the audience historical context, spiritual insight, and practical applications.
Key Takeaways
- Exodus 6 details God’s commitment to delivering Israel from Egypt’s bondage.
- The chapter underscores the importance of Moses and Aaron’s roles in conveying God’s promises.
- It emphasizes God’s self-revelation and the fulfillment of His promises through impending signs and wonders.
Related: For more, check out our Preaching Outline On Genesis Chapter Twenty Six here.
The Divine Promises Reiterated
In Exodus chapter six, the focus narrows on the reaffirmation of the Lord’s promises to Moses, highlighting the continuity of the divine plan through the Abrahamic covenant. This establishes the groundwork for what will come next in the liberation narrative.
God’s Assurance to Moses
The Lord responds to Moses’ previous doubts with a powerful assurance of deliverance. “I am the Lord,” He states, emphasizing His sovereignty and dependability. Moses is reminded of the Lord’s intention to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, a promise that hinges on a mighty show of divine power. The emphasis here lies on the certainty of the Lord’s words, eradicating any room for disbelief or uncertainty.
The Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
The narrative reconnects the current plight of the Israelites to the enduring covenant made with the patriarchs — Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Lord recalls His commitment as an everlasting covenant, promising land and legacy. This mention serves as a potent reminder of the faith required of Moses and the Israelites, connecting their immediate struggles to a much larger, grander divine narrative that spans generations.
The Oppression of Israel in Egypt
The narrative of Israel’s time in Egypt is one of harsh enslavement and cries for relief. Chronicled in Exodus Chapter Six, the plight of the Israelites is both severe and deeply moving.
Intensity of Bondage
The bondage faced by the Israelites in Egypt was characterized by grueling labor and inhumane conditions. Pharaoh imposed forced labor on them, compelling the Israelites to build cities such as Pithom and Raamses to store his treasures. Yet, as they endured the harshness of slavery, the Egyptians’ fear of their growing numbers led to even greater oppression, an attempt to curb their population.
The Israelites’ Groaning
Amid the increasing severity of their bondage, the Israelites’ response was a profound groaning. They anguished under their burdens, and their cries for rescue rose up to God. A deep sense of despair permeated their community, as every day brought the same relentless opposition and suffering.
Moses and Aaron’s Commission
In Exodus Chapter Six, Moses and Aaron are tasked with the formidable mission of leading the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. This section underscores the pivotal roles that both figures play in the narrative of deliverance, centering on their divine commission and the challenges they face with Pharaoh.
Deliverance through Leadership
Moses and Aaron serve as the conduits for God’s promises of liberation. In Exodus 6:2-27, we witness a renewed commission where God reaffirms His covenant with Israel and strengthens the resolve of the two leaders. This pivotal moment reinvigorates their leadership, marking the beginning of a transformation from a people in captivity to a nation destined for freedom.
- Moses – He assumes a prophetic role, speaking the words of God to the people.
- Aaron – He acts as Moses’ spokesperson, communicating to Pharaoh and the Israelites.
Charge to Confront Pharaoh
With their leadership roles clearly established, Moses and Aaron are instructed to confront Pharaoh directly. This is a critical aspect of their commission, as Pharaoh is the earthly impediment to the Israelites’ freedom. Despite God’s assurances, Pharaoh’s obstinance is notorious, and the encounters between these leaders and the king of Egypt become a central theme of the narrative:
- Demands for release: They are to boldly demand the release of the Israelites, insisting upon their right to worship their God.
- Signs and wonders: Moses and Aaron are equipped with divine signs to validate their authority in the eyes of Pharaoh and the Israelites.
God Reveals His Mighty Name

In Exodus chapter six, a pivotal moment unfolds as God communicates His identity and power to Moses, reaffirming the divine commitment to liberate the Israelites.
I Am the LORD
God introduces Himself to Moses with the declaration, “I am the LORD” (Exodus 6:2). This profound revelation establishes His unchanging nature and authority over all things. The name “LORD” here is translated from the Hebrew YHWH, which is considered so sacred that in Jewish tradition it is not spoken aloud. It signifies God’s eternal presence and faithfulness.
God Almighty
Alongside the name LORD, God also refers to Himself as “God Almighty” (Exodus 6:3). This title, El Shaddai in Hebrew, emphasizes His supreme power and sufficiency. It heralds God’s capability to fulfill promises against all odds, demonstrating to Moses—and consequently to the people of Israel—His omnipotence and sovereign rule over the fate of nations.
The Promises of Deliverance
Exodus chapter six is a cornerstone of biblical theology, presenting the unwavering commitment of God to deliver the Israelites from bondage and establish a relationship with them as their God.
Rescue from Slavery
God’s assurance to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt is a focal theme in Exodus 6. This deliverance signifies a pivotal turning point in the narrative, where God’s power is put into action to fulfill His promise to Abraham. “I will rescue you from their bondage,” God declares, indicating a decisive liberation from oppression.
Redemption and Relationship
Following the rescue, God’s plan encompasses both redemption and the establishment of a covenantal relationship. “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm,” He proclaims, indicating a personal, powerful, and protective intervention. The phrase, “I will be your God,” encapsulates the promise of a unique and enduring salvation and relationship with His people, epitomizing the depth of divine commitment.
The Journey to the Promised Land
In Exodus Chapter Six, the narrative centers on God’s promise to redeem the Israelites from bondage and lead them to the land flowing with milk and honey. This chapter highlights two pivotal commitments: God’s vow to bring Israel out of Egypt and His assurance to bring them into the Land of Canaan.
Bringing Israel Out
God firmly assures Moses that He will “bring you out” from the burdens of the Egyptians. He promises to rescue the Israelites with a show of strength and with great judgments. The deliverance of Israel is not merely an act of freeing them from physical bondage but is also a spiritual liberation, reinforcing their identity as God’s chosen people.
Into the Land of Canaan
Following their emancipation, God’s vow includes bringing the Israelites “into the land” He swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This Land of Canaan represents not only a physical territory but also the fulfillment of divine promise, a land described as flowing with milk and honey, signifying abundance and a new beginning for the nation of Israel.
The Signs and Wonders of God
In the narrative of Exodus, the signs and wonders performed by God are catalysts for Israel’s liberation from Egyptian bondage. These acts demonstrate divine power and serve as judgments against Egypt’s stubborn disbelief.
Divine Power against Egypt
The outstretched arm and strong hand of God are recurring motifs that signify His overwhelming power. This divine might is evident in the series of miraculous events that disturb the natural order, actively challenging Pharaoh’s rule and the gods of Egypt. Signs and wonders become the very fabric through which God communicates His supremacy and the futility of opposition to His will.
- Signs revealed: Through signs, God attests to His sovereignty and the appointed mission of Moses as His servant.
- Wonders unfolded: Wonders underscore the incomparability of the Lord; each act surpasses human understanding and capability.
Plagues as Judgment
The plagues strike at the core of Egypt’s societal and religious life, targeting sources of economic strength and divine reverence. Each plague dismantles Egypt’s sense of control, exposing the false security derived from their pantheon and escalating toward the inevitable deliverance of the Israelites.
- Water to Blood: A direct affront to the Nile’s deity, turning life-giving waters into a source of death.
- Frogs: An ironic twist on fertility, bringing chaos instead of blessings.
- Lice: An omnipresent discomfort attacking the sanctity of the body and home.
- Flies: A division drawn between Egypt and God’s people, hinting at the developing liberation.
- Livestock Disease: A strike at wealth and sustenance, diminishing Egypt’s labor force.
- Boils: A painful eruption on flesh that not even Egypt’s magicians could withstand.
- Hail: A catastrophic blend of fire and ice, decimating crops and breaking the economic backbone.
- Locusts: A final sweep of destruction over any remnants of greenery, symbolizing total defeat.
- Darkness: A profound darkness that cloaks the sun, defying the primary Egyptian god, Ra.
- Death of the Firstborn: The ultimate judgment, subverting natural order, and breaking Pharaoh’s resistance.
Each plague serves not only as a punitive measure but also as an unequivocal statement of judgment, recalling the inherent justice of God even amidst severe trial and suffering.
In integrating the occurrences in Exodus Chapter Six, it becomes evident that the signs and wonders performed by God were far more than mere demonstrations of power—they were foundational to the concept of divine deliverance and central to understanding the character and actions of the God of Israel as depicted in these ancient narratives.
Preparing for the Exodus
Preparing for the Exodus involved specific directives to the nation of Israel, centralizing on the practice of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. These ceremonies were instituted as perpetual reminders of God’s deliverance and a call for obedience and worship from the Israelites.
Instruction for the Nation
The Israelites were to receive clear instructions from Moses, as commanded by God, in anticipation of their departure from Egypt. It was crucial that they followed these directives meticulously to ensure their readiness for the Exodus. This preparation was both practical, as they had to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice, and spiritual, as they were about to embark on a journey guided by divine intervention.
- Key instructions included:
- Sanctification and consecration of the people
- Provisions for travel
- Awareness of God’s signs and wonders
Passover and Unleavened Bread
Passover was established as the inaugural feast in the Jewish religious calendar. The Israelites were instructed to partake in a meal that included a lamb, signifying the lamb’s blood that was used to mark their doorposts for their protection during the final plague. This event symbolized salvation and protection from judgment.
- Key elements of the Passover meal:
- Lamb without blemish
- Bitter herbs
- Bread without yeast
Following Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread was to be celebrated for seven days. The absence of leaven, which symbolizes sin and corruption, served as a lesson in purity and holiness for the people, reflecting their separation from the old ways of Egypt to a new life driven by obedience to God.
- Instructions for the feast:
- Removal of leaven from homes
- Consumption of unleavened bread
- Holding sacred assemblies